When we listen, we send a powerful message that we care about the other person. Conversely, when we don’t listen, we send the message that our agenda is far more important than the customer’s trivial ideas and issues. That makes effective listening one of the all time great relationship-building devices.
From a salesperson’s perspective, the more we listen, the more different positions, motivations, opinions and nuances we are able to understand and accommodate. The wiser and more capable we become. Since we are able to understand an ever-growing panoply of positions and opinions, we are able to feel a rapport with more and more customers, and move closer to a consensus position with them.
Listening positions us as a consultant, not a peddler, in the eyes of the customer. Ultimately, listening provides us our competitive edge.
1. Listen constructively.
2. Discipline yourself to build the habit of responding to your customer’s comments.
Imagine your prospect with a three-inch high neon sign fixed to his/her forehead.
The sign is bolted in with four stainless steal bolts at each of the four corners.
On the sign are bright red neon letters which spell the words
“The only way you can get the sign to shut off is to translate that statement into a benefit by using the words "This means that you....."
Mediocre? Or outstanding?
The world is full of salespeople who never invest in their own success. Few salespeople have ever been trained in the best practices of their profession. They are content with mediocrity. A few continually pursue their own growth and development. They become outstanding salespeople, significantly outperforming the others.