Friday, May 20, 2011

If You Don't Own A Circus...why did you hire this guy?

The Hiring Game:
Why Gamble with Valuable Assets?

The Department of Labor recently reported that over 5 million people have been laid off since 2007, and the unemployment rate is currently up to 8.9%. With so many looking for work, employers might think that the best candidates will magically materialize. The hiring process, however, is one of the most important processes a leader will face. It is essential to invest the time, effort, and capital necessary to build an effective staff. A recent survey in Harvard Business Review shows there is little uniformity in the practices of many business executives. Unfortunately, with no basic course of action outlined, they rely on chance and instinct to fill positions. Without a clear strategy, qualified employees are difficult to attract and retain.

Successful leaders understand employees are an investment. Employees are ambassadors representing their companies, and need to be exceptional at every level. Rising unemployment might increase the candidate pool, but that does not necessarily make it easier to find good employees. It also means that qualified candidates, who are currently employed, are afraid to look for new jobs. 96% of employees recently surveyed believe that they cannot attain their personal career goals in their current positions, but 37% are unwilling to look elsewhere. These percentages change at the managerial level. Around 53% of managers report being unhappy with their jobs, but only 13% are willing to leave. With the constant threat of unemployment, people are choosing to remain in their current positions. The Strategic Hiring Program and Candidate Selection Assessment 360Solutions offers enables employers to actively seek out candidates, generate interest in their companies, and hire the right employees.

The 360Solutions Personality Profile Program provides employers with a method designed to target specific characteristics of candidates who are being considered for a position. The program is based on Hippocrates’ Four Tempermants theory, which envelops four distinct personalities by which human nature is characterized. According to the theory, we all consist of different percentages of each of the four main groups, which make up sixteen distinct personalities. Adding “E,” a fifth personality including an equal percentage of each of the four main types, there are now 17 distinct personality types.

The profile program uses words associated with each of the four main groups to determine to what degree an applicant is in each of the four main groups. Each group has a definite pattern of talent and character traits. The program reviews all the applicants’ answers and cross checks each one for inconsistencies in relation with the other answers. If an inconsistency is found, the program flags that answer and continues on with the next one. When a corresponding answer is found for the inconsistent answer, the program reviews all other corresponding answers to determine what would be the most logical answer for that word, and corrects the number. After this procedure is accomplished, the program checks for patterns of known human behavior to determine if the applicant is actually one personality type trying to be like another type. If this is the case, the answers are reviewed again, corrected to reverse the pattern, and show the true personality percentage.

Each answer is scored, by number, according to the strength of that trait after corrections are made. Points are added or deducted from a total of 15 to show a chart of character and talent traits from 1 being very weak, to 15 being extremely strong. This chart and the interview questions allow the interviewer to direct the interview based on the applicant’s weak or strong traits. The description pages explain to the novice what talents and traits they may expect to see in the applicant. There are a total of 18 traits.

The report provides consistency levels of 1 to 20. The higher the score, the more valid the report, and consistent the applicant.
• A score of less than 13 for a personality type other than the true “E” is considered invalid. This would reveal the applicant’s attempt to sway the results or ignore their personal traits.
• A consistency score of 17 or above is considered to be very good, and the report should fall between 80 to 95 % correct. Any inconsistencies may be reviewed in the interview in an attempt to reveal the truth.
• A consistency score of 13 to 16 is average and should fall between 65% to 80% correct. For example, if an applicant receives a detailed score of 4 and is applying for an accounting position, the interviewer would flag it in order find out more information during the interview.
• The applicant may be more detailed than a 4, but will never be a 10 to 15.
• A 6 to 8 might be qualified enough for the position according to his score and interview.

The profile also uses a “benchmark” system, which allows the user to compare the applicant with a current and familiar employee. This method uses the 18 different character and talent traits, plus the personality type, to do the calculations. Using this method, the interviewer will immediately know whether or not the applicant has traits and a personality similar to the benchmarked employee. This method saves time for both the applicant and interviewer.
Most professional accountants we tested were C/A or C/D type personalities. They were very patient, detailed, and analytical. To hire someone for this position who did not match these qualities would be unwise. The main problem with interviewing without testing is the difficulty in automatically knowing what kind traits and personality type the applicant has. If the applicant you eventually hire does not have the traits and personality you are looking for after all, you have unfortunately made a hasty and detrimental decision. Time and money have been spent, production lost, and if you terminate this employee, you risk being sued for various reasons.
When a profile is completed and a report run before the interview, the interviewer will most likely choose not to interview an applicant who does not come close to the benchmark. This allows the interviewer to send the report to other departments for their evaluations based on their own benchmarks, thereby giving the applicant and the company a better chance of finding the best person for the job.
Reviewing the resume and profile report will provide an interesting summary of the applicant’s legitimate qualifications. Reading the profile sheet will provide further insight into the applicant’s frame of mind. Considering the traits, “Life of the party,” “Attention getter,” “Aggressive,” “Logical,” “Moody,” and others, will allow you to determine the applicant’s core self. We have found most applicants are fairly honest while taking the profile. Current employees, on the other hand, may not take the profile seriously or are afraid to answer honestly. Applicants are fearful with reason; dishonesty may become evident in the report and hurt
their chances of being hired.
The profile program is a great interviewing tool; if used correctly, it will save time and money, and improve morale and production. Learning to read the report between the lines takes practicing with a few reports and reading the System’s Management Book, which explains the unique personalities and how to manage and enhance them. Once the program becomes familiar, you will need only to print the chart on page 2 of the report to determine the complete picture of the applicant applying for the position. In our validity studies, 95% of all applicants agreed with their reports. No one receives a “good” or “bad” report. Each occupation needs a different type of personality with certain character and talent traits. The key to successful hiring
begins with knowing which type best fits the position, which is accomplished by our benchmark program, using the best employees in a given department. Validation is determined by testing well known applicants to validate the accuracy of the system.
Works Consulted
Dickler, Jessica, “Workers saying no to new jobs,”, December 17, 2008, http://.àndez-Aràoz and others, “The Definitive Guide to Recruiting in Good Times and Bad,” Harvard Business Review, May 1, 2009, to-recruiting-in-good-times-and-bad/ar/1United States Department of Labor. Bureau of Labor Statistics. May 8, 2009.

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